
Nursery Ministry

Young families are encouraged to join us as we worship and hear from God's Word.  To help provide a time of focused worship for parents, we have church members serving in the nursery ministry.  This service is provided for children ranging from birth through two years of age.  The worship service can be viewed on a television in the nursery.  The nursery is available during the following times:


  9:15am for Sunday School

  10:30am for the main Worship Service

Feel free to contact us to learn more about this service and to answer any questions you may have. 

We have a Mother's Room available located in the back of the sanctuary, and it is equipped with rocking chairs and a live-stream of our church service on the TV.  


Toddler Ministry

We have a class for Toddlers (3-5 years) during our 10:30am worship service.  We utilize the Generations of Grace curriculum for this age group.  

Join us Sunday at 
