

The Elders of Grace Community Bible Church are responsible for all aspects of pastoral care, including shepherding and overseeing the congregation, with specific care given to the faithful exposition of the word of God, maintaining purity of life doctrine, caring for the spiritual needs of church family, administering the church ordinances and conducting church discipline.


h.anderson_smallHenry Anderson

Henry is married to Allie.  The Lord has blessed them with four children, Hannah, Elizabeth, James, and John.

Henry attended The Master's Seminary.  He and Allie are excited to be back in Texas as of 2019 and serving at Grace Community Bible Church. 


Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 12.04.16 PMNed Brekelbaum

Ned grew up in a Catholic home, attending Catholic middle and high
school. It was around age 30, that he first encountered the Gospel,
and came to repent of his sins and trust in Christ alone. Since then,
God has granted him tremendous grace in growing his faith. Ned is
graced to have a wonderful wife and three children.



The Deacon's role is one of administration and serving the flock, maintaining the physical property and finances, as well as other areas of service designated by the Elders. 

Brad Estes

Calvin Bauermeister

David Krill

Josh Metteauer

Ken Kirk

Orlando Guerrero

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