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Losing a Pet and Glorifying God


Losing a pet is heartbreaking. It’s a reminder of the effects of the fall––in death and mourning. Several people in the church family have lost pets within the past six months, and I didn’t know that we would be added to that number. There’s been a lot of sadness attended with the loss of these pets, and additional ministry, in seeking to care for those going thr...

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H. R. 6090 and the Obfuscation of the Truth

HR 6090

In a day and age where history books are being rewritten on a mass scale, and where all too many advocate that your truth, my truth, it’s anybody's truth, it is unsurprising that through new legislation there is a direct attack on the Bible. While H. R. 6090, The Antisemitism Awareness Act, is not a law at present, it has passed in the House without much opposition (320 ...

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Church Shopping, Hopping, and Should It Be Stopping?

Church Hopping 2

If you lived 2000 years ago and were in the city of Corinth, you didn’t have 800 churches around you to choose from like you do today in Austin, Texas. Now, I am not trying to say that all 800 are true churches or that all churches are the same, in fact, that’s one of the reasons I thought it might be helpful to write here. While some people are saved in a local church...

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Why is Good Friday... "Good"?

Why is Good Friday Good

Have you ever wondered when people began to call Good Friday “good”? There are many adjectives to choose from, so how did we land there? It could have, theoretically been called, “Tragic Friday,” “Suffering Friday,” “Dark Friday,” or even as a program my daughters were watching a couple days back referred to it as, “the Long, Sad Friday.” But it isn’t...

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Should Women Teach Theology to Women?

Woman Reading Bible

what do the Scriptures teach about the topic of women teaching others theology? Are there particular restrictions and should the practice happen at all? It does seem that in an effort to move away from women teaching men, the pendulum has swung all the way to the other side of the spectrum where women shouldn’t teach women about the Scriptures at all (at least in some p...

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See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil


There are twin dangers that we face as believers. The first danger is in viewing sin too highly. The second danger is in seeing sin too lowly. I have seen both errors within Christ’s church… and I have seen them both within myself. There is a fine line that we walk in this life, and it’s easy to fall on one side or the other. ...

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The Price of Unrighteousness

The Price of Unrighteousness

On the day of Jesus’ betrayal… a question arises. What is Jesus worth? It’s such a simple, yet profound question. What is Jesus worth? Make no mistake about it, it’s one that you have already answered in your mind and you display it with your life. In a moment of honest reflection, what is your answer? Here’s one of the proposed answers in the Bible… thirty p...

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Life and Death

Life and Death

There is no higher calling in this world than to live for Christ. When you wake up tomorrow morning, using this verse or others, actively seek to dawn this mentality. Live for Jesus, display Jesus to others, tell others about Jesus, being reminded that this life is a vapor that is here and then vanishes. Make the most of the time God has granted us on earth. As CT Studd on...

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A Picture of Revival


...I wanted to make a few comments from Acts 13 that I think will help give us some additional perspective not only on the Asbury revival but on others like it. ...

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A Prayer to Remember


It is a faithful saint who goes to the Lord privately in prayer on behalf of another. That is splendid. Having said that, if that’s all we do, I do believe that there is more joy to be had if one additional step is taken, which I have already alluded to. As beautiful as it is to come before the sovereign Lord to speak to Him, it comes full circle when we let the person t...

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